Product Ideas Forge Macro App

Table of contents

App demo

Forge app demo doesn’t work for the anonymous user.


product-ideas-macro (Development) - Forge Extension


Video demo



Sellable features

  • Anybody from the company can add value.

  • Even external customer/users can give feedback and suggest the next big idea

  • Single source information about the possible next features

  • Can be contacted by any person submitted the issue for further discussion

  • Can be viewed based on the impact or number of likes, priority-based

  • Extend to create a Jira issue with one click.

  • Extend to have a number of likes for each idea

Next steps

  • Add create Jira ticket from the idea details, so you can create the idea quickly.

  • The set expiration date for each idea and force team to work on or discord and trigger message when the expiration date is near.

  • Integrate with Google form, Typeform, Slack, WhatsApp

Forge components used

  • Table, Row, Cell, Head

  • Image

  • Avatar

  • ButtonSet

  • Button

  • Text

  • ModalDialog

  • Fragment

  • useProductContext


Services used

  • Airtable for storing data

Tools used

Lessons learned

  1. Forge has a hidden blue background button when the form is used in the model dialog.

2. You can use Forge UI Select and option components to create Rating UI.

<Select label={label} name={name} description={description}> <Option defaultSelected label="1" value={1} /> <Option label="2" value={2} /> <Option label="3" value={3} /> <Option label="4" value={4} /> <Option label="5" value={5} /> <Option label="6" value={6} /> <Option label="7" value={7} /> <Option label="8" value={8} /> <Option label="9" value={9} /> <Option label="10" value={10} /> </Select>

3. Vertical spacing, it’s possible to have vertical spacing using the empty string Forge UI Text component.

{/* For spacing starts here */} <Text>{' '}</Text> <Text>{' '}</Text> {/* For spacing ends */}




Render User into the idea
Add accountId for the product idea
Number of likes
Sort by impact
Create a Jira ticket if the team agrees with the idea to validate.
Explore Jira API
List all the sellable feature
Summarise my approach
Flow diagram for the application
Things can be improved for the applications
List all the Forge components used
Persona for the feature
Clean code
Push code to Bitbucket
Add readme
add description
Add new ideas to the table
Create a demo video
Add video to the readme